Friday, 11 October 2013

Dream Facts..

The colder the room you sleep, the higher the chances are that you would get a nightmare.

Body Facts

Our eyes remain the same size from birth onward, but our nose and ears never stop growing.

College Facts...

No one cares about the upcoming exam however tough it may be,once you get placed in a company :D

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Exam Facts...

Extreme activeness:

When the exam hall invigilator says: "LAST 5 MINUTES LEFT"  :)

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

universal Facts...

 The biggest tension:

Tension coming on every sunday night for the next coming morning....

Engineerng facts...

The fastest speed experienced:

The speed with which the night just before the exam passes.

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Engineering Facts...

The biggest lie ever made in 1st semester:

I am going to buy a laptop for C programming.

Job Facts...

Salary Day- Breakfast, Subway, cold drink with 1 full packet cigarette,Snacks,Chicken and CHEERS.

Last 2 Days: Just IDLI as lunch and 2 minute MAGGI as dinner...:)

                                                                         Salary Day

Last 2 Days 

Job Facts...

The greatest management is the way we manage our last 3 days of every month..... :P

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Childhood Facts

The longest wait:
                          Waiting  for the moment of getting some money from the relatives during their visit.

Sunday, 21 July 2013

College facts....

The first thing which comes to mind after passing high school and going to college is :
                          "Aaaahhhhh!!!!! No more uniform....."

Engineering Facts....

Laptop is all about movies ,internet and games......Programming is not in the syllabus :)

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Universal Fact.....

You will always dream of the most beautiful girl or boy ...........No matter how u look like..... ;)

Job Facts.....

There is no difference whether you are a student or a 2-3 year job experienced ,the account balance at the end of month for both are the same ...... :P

Childhood facts......

School is the biggest prison until you find someone beautiful there to dream about...  :)